Character Deathmatch in which my fictional character goes a few rounds with yours, and wins. Usually.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Lorax VS. The Vegan

Oh, the Lorax.  Despite all the self-righteous blather, you’re pretty darned cute.  But I know another environmental crusader who can out-annoy other people any day with his non-stop preaching:  the Vegan. 

Let’s see what would happen if I dropped the two of you into the middle of a Tea Party convention with only a couple of homemade cardboard signs between you and a crowd of two hundred enthusiastic conservatives who are pretty sure Obama’s Muslim uncle invented “global warming”. 

The Lorax:  Your sign says:  “I Speak on Behalf of the Trees”. The Tea Party people laugh in your face because, let’s face it, your sign is made from a tree. They don’t need Fox News to explain that one to them. You frown.

The Vegan:  Your sign says:  “I Don’t Eat Anything That Screams for Help When It Is Murdered in Cold Blood” and features a drawing of George W. Bush biting the head off a chicken.  One of the Tea Partiers who bears a striking resemblance to Rush Limbaugh lunges for your throat. But he’s slow. Sluggish. And, I hate to say it, fat. You sidestep him and he falls on the ground in a diabetic coma. 

The  Lorax:  You climb up on a stump and start telling people in rhyme how sorry they will be when all the polar bears are dead because they refuse to curb their carbon emissions. A lady from Missouri snorts and tells you if the polar bears did something to get on God’s wrong side, like act all gay, it’s their fault. Just ask Pat Robertson. You sigh.

The Vegan:  You whip out a slide projector and flash horrific, life-size scenes onto the wall of baby cows being skinned alive as they hang upside down by one leg from a meat hook.  Several women in the crowd turn green and start gagging. One of them pukes up a still recognizable McRib sandwich.  This causes a stampede toward the parking lot. Three people are trampled to death. Cops show up in riot gear and start pepper spraying anything that moves. In the middle of the fray, the Lorax gets tazed. 

The Vegan:  3 take away 1 (because no one can really tolerate a vegan) = 2    

The Lorax:  0 plus 2 (because you’re so earnestly adorable, and no one wants to see a furry little monster get tazed) = 2

Poor, the Lorax. I want you to know I captured the whole thing on video and will be posting it on YouTube in protest. Tie Game. 

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